
Can we run the Danger-Kotlin in any non-Github CI?

trietbui85 opened this issue · 2 comments

I want to run the Danger-Kotlin in CircleCI but doesn't find any official guide yet.
So for now, must we use Danger-Kotlin in Github Actions only?

Hey @anticafe, yes Danger-Kotlin works on CircleCI.
There are two main ways to use it with CircleCI:

  • You can use a linux machine and install Danger Kotlin with the script
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danger/kotlin/master/scripts/install.sh)
source ~/.bash_profile
  • You can use our pre built docker image for your job, which should be something like
      - image: ghcr.io/danger/danger-kotlin:1.0.0
      - checkout
      - run: danger-kotlin ci

The second option is probably easier if you just need to run a simple Dangerfile in parallel with your normal CI job

@f-meloni Awesome. I try in to own project, and it works. Much more convenient than using the Ruby version of Danger.
Could you also add this to the ReadMe?