
Integration with detekt-hint

Mkohm opened this issue · 2 comments

Mkohm commented


I am working on a tool for detection of violations on design principles in my master thesis (read more about it https://github.com/Mkohm/detekt-hint), and is looking for an open source project where I can integrate my tool for some feedback and testing. Would you welcome such an integration? It would mean a lot, and I hope it can continue to improve the maintainability of this project.

It only requires creating a configuration file and a new GitHub action. Please let me know if it is of any interest, and I will create a PR with the required changes.

Hi!! To answer your question Danger Kotlin already supports extensions! You should be able to implement your own extension just by creating a brand new plugin!

If i understood well, detekt hint is something that extends detekt right? and add new rules.

I need to know few things, we can probably discuss online if you are on the Kotlin Slack we can discuss there. but a good start will be have a look to this documentation :
and this plugin I personally wrote:

and this is a plugin for Detekt someone else wrote

Mkohm commented

You are correct, detekt hint is an extension of detekt that adds a new ruleset.

Unfortunately, i am not able to create a new extension for Danger to make this integration (at this point, but maybe later).

Yes, i am on the Kotlin Slack. You should find me by searching for Mkohm :)!