
Cannot find type 'Process' in scope

mustafa3103 opened this issue · 6 comments

when we tried to upload your library with SPM, we took this error: "Cannot find type 'Process' in scope". How can we solve that, we tried lots of ways but we could not find anything :)

same with me, how solve this error. another version too for me


I'm getting the same error with Xcode 15.0.1 and Danger 3.18.0. It looks like the Process type couldn't be found in ShellExecutor.swift. I've tried previous versions of Danger without success (3.17.0, 3.16.0, and 3.15.0).

Any updates regarding this issue?

Thank you.

Same issue for me today. Is there any updates on this?
I see there was a release last week so perhaps we're integrating danger incorrectly?