
Org PDF LaTeX Output fails

fiatisdead opened this issue · 1 comments

OS: Windows 10
emacs version 28.1
org-version = 9.5.4

  1. Extract org-thesis-master
  2. copy mimosis.cls and bibliography-mimosis.tex to the extracted org-thesis-master folder
  3. C-c C-e l o

Package ifplatform Warning: 
    shell escape is disabled, so I can only detect \ifwindows.

) (c:/texlive/2022/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xstring/xstring.sty

! Package minted Error: You must invoke LaTeX with the -shell-escape flag.

See the minted package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.66 \setminted
! Emergency stop.
<read 5> 
l.97 \begin{document}
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on .//thesis.log.

Really unsure as to what is going on here. My LaTeX knowledge is limited.

Interesting. Are you evaluating what's on org-init.el?
Could you check that org-latex-pdf-process is correctly set to '("latexmk -pdflatex='pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode' -pdf -bibtex -f %f"))?