
Work Week view

Closed this issue · 10 comments


I would like to use MudCalendar for work planning. Usually the work is done on work days only - excluding Saturday and Sunday, so we can save some horizontal space and display more data in a cell.

This feature request relates to a previous one: #105

Though here I would like to get a fourth button (work week, customizable/translated) in addition to existing month, week, day views.

If that makes sense, I could contribute and make a pull request:

  • new parameter to show Work Week view button (hidden by default)
  • updates to WorkView component
  • translations
  • test updates

Sounds good. That would be great if you could do that and make a pull request.

Here's the pull request:

Looking forward to your comments.

Thanks! That looks really good.

My only issue is with the new FirstDayOfWeek property. It defaults to Sunday, but in my culture Monday is the first day of week. So now I have the problem that the normal week view is starting on Sunday and the DatePicker also uses Sunday as the first day of week.

I think it would be better to make this property nullable and if null then use the current culture settings. This is how the DatePicker in MudBlazor works:


fixed FirstDayOfWeek property - now it works as previously if unset.
This fix also reverted some changes to old tests - that's nice.

Thanks for the updates, but I now have other problems:

  1. The DatePicker doesn't work anymore, when I click on it I get an error.
  2. There are build warnings:


The warnings are only in the Unit Tests so not really critical, but it would still be good to fix these warnings.

Sorry for broken DatePicker, fixed now and the warnings are gone.

Looks good!

Hi thank you for this contribution,

In my case an offical week is sun-sat and a work week is mon-fri. (But some calendars show as sun-sat and some are mon-sun)

So with no configuration of the MudCalendar, the week view shows sun-sat which is correct but the work week view shows sun-thurs, which I expect to be mon-fri. If I set FirstDayOfWeek to monday then the work week is right mon-fri but the week is now mon-sun.

Could there be a FirstDayOfWorkWeek as well so I could achieve sun-sat for week and mon-fri for work week?

@gabriuz @danheron


sure, if Dan agrees, I could prepare a PR with new FirstDayOfWorkWeek param.

Sounds good. That would be great if you could create a PR @gabriuz.