
Feel free to use our instance as a demo!

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Wow, awesome. I will be pleased to use your demo instead of Render one. Thanks for choosing this project and thanks for sharing!

Btw, I see connection speed marked as -1000Kbit/s, what sandboxing technology do u use to reproduce this bug?

Btw, I see connection speed marked as -1000Kbit/s, what sandboxing technology do u use to reproduce this bug?

I don't use a sandbox, it's hosted as a service directly. (So running the python file on the system directly)

Maybe it's the speed of the port that the machine has access to? Best I can tell ya is that I'm using https://hetzner.com/
So probably KVM?


I guess they use some network config that does not provide /sys/class/net/{interface}/speed file, but it can be easily fixed in front-end by one JS line

Anyways, this evening or tomorrow afternoon I'm gonna fix the above and put your instance url in READMEs as a default demo, thanks again!