
[Bug] Replan function doesn't work if you change the initial position

ldellisola opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey, I know there's no chance someone will fix this, but I have some sort of work around for it, in case anyone struggles with it.

Anyway, If you crash into a wall and need to recalculate your path from that point to your goal, just updating the starting point and recalculating the path doesn't work. You need to also update the goal.

I have no idea why this happens or how to fixit, but this this trick I can at least use this algorithm.

Recently, I have also been troubled by this issue. When passing through a wall obstacle, there is a high probability of path planning failure---"NO PATH TO GOAL".
I think the heuristic value setting of the algorithm is not robust enough

Have you finally solved this problem?


I only needed it for a short university assignment a few years ago. I simply implemented the workaround and it was fine for my use case. But this was years ago, I don't really remember what I did.

Maybe look into this fork.

I hope you can sort it out!

Hey, could you elaborate on the workaround ? By changing, do you mean that I have to initialize it with a different goal node altogether ?

@dipps18 it's been more than 3 years, I don't really remember anything about the code.

I think it wasn't that hard to fix it, but again, I don't really remember what I did.