Project purpose
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Could you please describe the goal you are trying to achieve with this project?
In my case, my first goal has been trying to figure out how to upload the minimum code with my network configuration hard-coded in it (rtthread) so the camera streams to a specific (local) IP address just when powering it up. No extended features like button support, SD card support, etc.). I would call this the "basecode" for all other sorts of improvements.
The goal is more or less what you commented, in fact button, led, sd card, etc... seems to work out of the box with the base BDK.
The problem that I'm facing is about interacting with the sensors (I2C) and getting image data from them. Last time I tried the sensor was jamming the I2C bus (removing the sensor I was able to test different I2C devices, but not with the sensor yet).
Is more a problem of having the sensors identified, the datasheet of the sensors and probably PCB variants/SoC variants. I just recently ordered a bunch of new "A9" from Aliexpress and ignoring the ones that are not using the Beken chip (like half of them), the ones with the Beken chip use different PCBs and sensors and there is no way to identify that from outside.
I plan to invest some time on this during Christmas to just have a basic video stream.
Could you please share the seller/s selling with Beken chip? I would need to buy a couple of them too.
@daniel-dona how are things going with the project?