
Additional logging // "Merge and normalize" step hangs

TTvanWillegen opened this issue · 7 comments

Is there a way to show additional logging during the merge?
I'm running this program on my existing translation base (+/- 3500 translations; merged before with xliffmerge, moved to this due to the console error) and it takes >10 min and is still not finished. I'd like to know if it crashed on something or if it is still trying its best.

@TTvanWillegen currently there is only little output, but it should not take that long..
Is there any output at all? What nodejs version and OS are you running?

Hi Daniel,
I'm currently on Node version 16.16.0 and Angular version 14.2.3. I'm running Windows 10 Pro Version 21H2.
[edit: I've also just tried with the latest LTS version of Node (v18.12.0); no fix.]

It only outputs the following and then hangs:

"extract-i18n" in angular.json looks like this:

"extract-i18n": {
          "builder": "ng-extract-i18n-merge:ng-extract-i18n-merge",
          "options": {
            "browserTarget": "default:build",
            "format": "xlf",
            "outputPath": "src/locale",
            "includeContext": true,
            "targetFiles": [
            "trim": true

Folder structure looks like this:

@TTvanWillegen thanks for the update - would it be possible to share the messages.xlf (before and after the extraction) and messages.es-ES.xlf? In case you'd rather share it privately: daniel-schreiber@gmx.de

@daniel-sc Thank you, I've sent them to you via e-mail. You should've received them by now.

thanks I'll look into this..

Update: still working on this. Looks like this is caused by really bad performance when fuzzy matching many entries. The fix is almost ready though..

Thank you very much; I've re-installed, so it would grab the v1.0.1 of xliff-simple-merge and can confirm the performance is way better 👍