
Invalid character in entity name

Closed this issue · 2 comments

After upgrading from 2.7.1 to any version after that (including 2.8.0-0, extraction fails with the following message:

An unhandled exception occurred: Invalid character in entity name
Line: 0
Column: 56
See "C:\Users\xxxx1\AppData\Local\Temp\ng-ualXsF\angular-errors.log" for further details.

After fiddling around in translationFileSerialization.js it turns out, that a meaning with an & was the culprit.

This was no issue prior to 2.8.1. It's not a problem for me, but I guess it is some sort of bug?

@Hafnernuss Thanks for this detailed report! Indeed, the implementation changed significantly with 2.8.0 - so probably that introduced this bug.

You're welcome, thanks for the awsome package ;)

I suspect this affects other formats as well, I am still using the old xlf1.