How to choose the inserting position of <div class="guppy-osk"> and <div class="guppy-help"> in html
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Guppy is a wonderful visual Latex editor.
Now i use it in a layer, so i want the <div class="guppy_osk"> and <div class="guppy_help">
can be inserted in layer html rather than the end of parent html.
My part of the code is as follows:
function(cm, icon, cursor, selection) { var cont = '<div id="guppy1" style="margin-left:20px; width:300px;"></div> <script type="text/javascript">Guppy.use_osk(new GuppyOSK({"goto_tab":"arithmetic","attach":"focus"})); var g1 = new Guppy("guppy1");</sc'+'ript>'; console.log(cont); index ={ type: 1, skin: "layui-layer-rim", area: ["800px", "800px"], title: "添加公式", content: cont, btn: ['确认', '取消'], yes: function(index, layero){ }, btn2: function(index, layero){ layer.close(index); } }); },
I wanna the <div class="guppy_osk"> and <div class="guppy_help">
be inserted in layer.
So how can i choose the insert position of <div class="guppy_osk"> and <div class="guppy_help">
in html?
Thank you.