
Support for dragging up?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

How about a support for dragging keyboard up from a hidden state? THanks

Keyboard must be called by tap on textfield. How do you want to set active textfield?

Like @AlexEdunov said, keyboards are universally presented only when a text element is selected, either by the user or by an intentional method call.

Creating a system whereby you can "drag the keyboard up" cannot be made into a drop-in component as far as I can tell.

  • What if there are multiple gesture recognizers active on the window?
  • What if there is no text element on the view?
  • What if there are multiple text elements? Which one becomes active?
  • Is this in any way functionality that a user might expect, or even like?

It is definitely a cool idea that might work for a certain application, but I cant find a reason or valid implementation that would allow this to be turned into a simple system that developers could just drop into a project.

If you're looking to do this, I recommend you add a UISwipeGestureRecognizer to your view to detect vertical up swipes, and then activate the desired text element upon recognition.

By the way, chats in Facebook Messenger seem to do this (slowly drag the keyboard up from the bottom), so it must be possible.