
RequestValidator returns false, even when the strings both match

jacobwarren opened this issue · 2 comments

Below is my code to validate incoming SMS requests.

At first I thought it was user error on my part, but after checking the stack trace, the strings that RequestValidator are comparing to each other are the exact same. Yet it still returns false.

Is this a known issue with RequestValidator, or am I doing something wrong?

defmodule GrowgladWeb.Hooks.MessagesController do
  use GrowgladWeb, :controller

  def receive(conn, params) do
    url = "https://api.growglad.com/hooks/messages/receive"
    token = Application.get_env(:ex_twilio, :auth_token)
    signature = List.to_string(get_req_header(conn, "x-twilio-signature"))

    if ExTwilio.RequestValidator.valid?(url, params, signature, token) do
      IO.inspect("The text is valid!")
      Honeydew.async({:receive_sms, [params]}, :queue)
      IO.inspect("The text is invalid!")

Ps. Big fan of your learnelixir.tv and learnphoenix.tv websites! That's how I learned/am learning!

@jacobwarren this is not a known issue with RequestValidator as far as I am aware. I am adding this to my calendar to look into in the next few days. In the meantime, did you discover anything new since you posted this that might help?

I'm closing this down for now. Feel free to reopen if you encounter this in the future.