RTC Capability Grants
stavro opened this issue · 1 comments
stavro commented
I noticed ExTwilio has support for signing call tokens, I'd like to expand this to support video & rtc calling as well.
To leverage the creation of tokens for Video (docs), tokens must be signed with a grant of rtc
Ruby implementation: https://github.com/twilio/twilio-ruby/blob/0a945ccc1c536c711745b26b0023b1a75b132450/lib/twilio-ruby/util/access_token.rb#L55-L71
Documentation on Capability signing: https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/client/capability-token-spec
stavro commented
Minimal working token generation for RTC video chats:
def twilio_token(identity) do
sid = System.get_env("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID")
api_key = System.get_env("TWILIO_API_KEY")
api_secret = System.get_env("TWILIO_API_KEY_SECRET")
rtc_profile_sid = System.get_env("TWILIO_RTC_PROFILE_SID")
now = epoch_ts()
exp = now + 3600
payload = %{
"jti" => "#{api_key}-#{now}",
"iss" => api_key,
"sub" => sid,
"exp" => exp,
"grants" => %{
"identity" => identity,
"rtc" => %{
"configuration_profile_sid" => rtc_profile_sid
|> Joken.token()
|> Joken.with_header_arg("cty", "twilio-fpa;v=1")
|> Joken.with_signer(Joken.hs256(api_secret))
|> Joken.sign()
|> Joken.get_compact()
defp epoch_ts() do
epoch = {{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}
epoch_i = :calendar.datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(epoch)
now_i = :calendar.datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(:calendar.universal_time)
now_i - epoch_i