add short description of the project to readme
danielblagy opened this issue · 1 comments
danielblagy commented
Section name is Introduction, it must be at the top of the page (after Table of Contents), include it in the Table of Contents
- give a concise description of what the project is about
- also include basic functionality (user cases) (from the notion page Introduction->About), don't include the pictures
reference on readme basic syntax
mrnkslv commented
- Created Introduction section at the top of the page:
## Introduction
2)Included it in the Table of Contents :
* [Introduction](#introduction)
3)Wrote project description and described the functionality :
Budget-app is a personal finance app (cash organizer) with the following functionality:
- Register in the application
- Log in to the application (if you have an account)
- View/add/edit/delete *Categories*
- View/add/edit/delete *Expenses*
- View/add/edit/delete *Incomes*
- View Reports