
Can't move window version 3.4.4

TerminalAddict opened this issue · 3 comments

I just "auto updated" to version 3.4.4, and now cannot move the window.
I can resize on all sides, but cannot move by grabbing the title bar.

See video https://vimeo.com/353476890

jklp commented

Damn, ok the update I released yesterday was for the new version of messenger, and I stupidly assumed Facebook would have migrated everyone by now (it was announced in June and they said they'd have it done in the following months). Judging by your video looks like you're still on the older version 😕

Let me have a think how I can swap between the 2 different style sheets - else I'll revert the changes.

jklp commented

Cool I've just added back the old style for just dragging the window - could you let me know if that works?

I'm hesitant to load the full pre-3.4.4 CSS, as the old layout for messenger.com will soon be going away, and don't want to spend time on something which will be gone in a couple weeks / months time.

Hopefully that should be enough to get it usable again until the new version of messenger.com rolls out to everyone.

yup that fixed it . .thanks