
Feature: Login

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Logs in a current user with valid credentials and returns the current user's information.


  • Successful response includes the user's id, firstName, lastName,
    and email
  • Error response with status 401 is given when invalid credentials are given
  • Error response with status 400 is given when body validations for the
    email, firstName, or lastName are violated


  • Goalie icon at the top
  • X icon closes modal
  • Header reading "Sign in to Goalie"
  • Two input fields requiring email or username and password to complete a login
  • On successful login, the modal automatically closes, and the page has a profile banner appear on the top-right
  • On successful login, the login and sign-up buttons are gone
  • On an unsuccessful login, errors are displayed below the input fields in red text
  • Once an error is resolved, the red text will be removed
  • No errors should be displayed when login modal is opened