CreateWid undefined (send image)
rodriguesabner opened this issue · 2 comments
rodriguesabner commented
Hi guys!! I'm having an error sending an image, the other requests work without problems...
async function send_image(req, res) {
const { phone, caption, pathimage } = req.body
//whatsapp = client...
await whatsapp.sendImage(
phone + "", //phone
pathimage, //path
'image-api.jpg', //image name
caption //msg (caption)
caption: caption,
phone: phone + "",
pathimage: pathimage
(node:16828) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'createWid' of undefined
at w (C:\Users\Abner\NodeProjects\Whatsapp\node_modules\sulla\dist\lib\wapi\wapi.js:1:19525)
at Object.window.WAPI.sendImage (C:\Users\Abner\NodeProjects\Whatsapp\node_modules\sulla\dist\lib\wapi\wapi.js:1:32227)
at __puppeteer_evaluation_script__:3:38
rodriguesabner commented
same issue, sorry
khoirulh1610 commented