
Allocation error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

tm157 commented

I am getting the following error

RuntimeError: CudaNdarray_ZEROS: allocation failed.


is this because of theano version?


tm157 commented

As far as I can see it, it is mainly an allocation error. Can you suggest any changes to the code in order to circumvent this issue?

Yeah, that looks like an allocation failure.

Are you doing anything else on the GPU at the moment? If so, that might use up part of the GPU memory and cause there to be not enough room to train. If not, perhaps your GPU is too small to process the default number of batches. To fix that, you can try changing the line
in your ~/.theanorc file to enable garbage collection. If that doesn't work, you can reduce the batch size here. You might also look at this part of the Theano FAQ