
Input and zoom issue

vadimshvetsov opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, Daniel!

Thank you a lot for updating the plugin. I've got an issue on focus on an input field from IPad. Backstretch resize the background image every time on focus input in Safari on my iPad. It's because keyboard was popping up and device height is changing, also got a problem on zoom, and when I zoom back -

hidden part becomes white. Is any fix for it you know, or maybe it would be fixed in new updates?

Best Wishes, thank you!

Please check if your html element has a "100%" height. It should :-)

Hello, Daniel!

Thank you a lot for response and fix that.

Did you update this cdn?

29 авг. 2016 г., в 12:23, Daniel Cohen Gindi notifications@github.com написал(а):

Please check if your html element has a "100%" height. It should :-)

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There's no fix in the script, it's you who should fix your css...

Oops. Checked and i've got html height and body property as 100%. But the issue still happens...

The you can try to debug your Mobile Safari with Safari on macOS, see what the sizes of the elements are etc. You can debug it like in Chrome's debugger

Thanks for suggest, it's already done. The main bug happens when the iPad keyboard popups. In Safari on macOS i can't emulate keyboard popup.

You don't have to emulate it. You need to set your mobile safari into debug mode, and attach to a desktop safari. The desktop safari debugs the mobile safari.

Ah, thank you. I will do this. May be the issue happens because I work in Coda for iPad and use internal browser in the application. Hope will resolve the problem. Thanks again.