
Bower repo update

bbashy opened this issue · 5 comments

Can you make it so we can pull in this library via bower instead of the other?

Well, the original repo is there, so we'd have to change its name.
You are welcome to handle the bower thing if you want to, I'm not really into bower...

I'll submit a PR for the bower.json file and register it via bower. You can always unregister it with bower unregister <package>

Need a new release version. The current has the bower.json error in it.


Thanks a lot! I may do a PR for installing via bower (so people know what it's called).

$ bower register jquery-backstretch-2 git://github.com/danielgindi/jquery-backstretch.git
Registering a package will make it installable via the registry (https://bower.herokuapp.com), continue? Yes
bower jquery-backstretch-2 register git://github.com/danielgindi/jquery-backstretch.git

Package jquery-backstretch-2 registered successfully!
All valid semver tags on git://github.com/danielgindi/jquery-backstretch.git will be available as versions.
To publish a new version, just release a valid semver tag.

Run bower info jquery-backstretch-2 to list the available versions.