
Error in reusing CsvReadableStream

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Thanks for your awesome library!

I just faced a small bug:

  • Instantiate a CsvReadableStream:
const csvReader = new CsvReadableStream({
  skipEmptyLines: true,
  asObject: true,
  trim: true
  • Use csvReader in a function parseCSV()
  • Try to call the function again


import CsvReadableStream from 'csv-reader';
import type { Readable } from 'stream';
import type { CSV, Customer } from './types';

const csvReader = new CsvReadableStream({
  skipEmptyLines: true,
  asObject: true,
  trim: true

export const parseCSV = (raw: Readable): Promise<Customer[]> => {
  const data: Customer[] = [];

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .on('error', error => reject(`CSV: Error: "${error}"`))
      .on('data', (row: CSV) =>
          x: row.x
      .on('end', () => resolve(data));

But if I move:

const csvReader = new CsvReadableStream({
  skipEmptyLines: true,
  asObject: true,
  trim: true

inside the parseCSV(), it will work!

Of course, this is how you are supposed to do it :-)
Streams are not reusable.
