
Multiple Resource Group ?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

How can i make multiple resource group ?

My .apib doc::


# Title

# GoogleAnalyticsController

## Create [POST /ga_site/create]
Create Ga_Site data

+ Parameters
    + access_token: (string, required) - access_token
    + site_id: (string, required) - site_id
    + name: (string, required) - name
    + user_name: (string, required) - user_name
    + account_id: (string, required) - account_id
    + site_link: (string, required) - site_link
    + property_id: (string, required) - property_id
    + site_access_token: (string, required) - site_access_token
    + master_user_id: (integer, required) - master_user_id
    + company_id: (integer, required) - company_id
    + currency: (string, required) - currency
    + time_zone: (string, required) - time_zone
    + token_problem_message: (integer, required) - token_problem_message
    + token_problem: (integer, required) - token_problem 

# UserController

## getCurrentUser [POST /api/user]
Returns current user

+ Parameters
    + access_token: (string, required) - User's OAuth2 Token

+ Response 200 (application/json)
    + Body

                    "id": 1,
                    "account_id": 1,
                    "name": "Ahmet Oğuz",
                    "surname": "Koruyucu",
                    "email": "aokoruyucu@gmail.com",
                    "is_active": 1,
                    "status": "a",
                    "created_at": "2017-04-04 11:34:04",
                    "updated_at": "2017-04-04 11:34:04"

+ Response 500 (application/json)
    + Body

                "error": {
                    "message": "The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.",
                    "status_code": 500

+ Response 500 (application/json)
    + Body

                "error": {
                    "message": "No query results for model [App\\User].",
                    "status_code": 500

+ Response 404 (application/json)
    + Body

                "error": {
                    "message": "Deleted User"

Result is :
output file

Same here — everything gets put into "Resource Group". When using snowboard to render html from the apib-file resources get identified correctly.

This would be great

For me prefixing the group with "Group" actually did the job.
So for @wwardaww example that would be writing
# Group UserController
instead of just
# UserController

Excellent, that worked perfectly. Thanks @mmaedler