
Applying common headers to multiple responses (doc's issue)

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So i'm trying to get my head around how I can utilise common headers in all my responses. I tried the following

type CommonHeaders struct {
	MyHeader string `header:"X-My-Header"`

type OutputSchema struct {
	Body           *OutputBody
	*CommonHeaders `json:"-,omitempty" hidden:"true"`

This outputs the following in the docs:

CommonHeaders object
       MyHeader   string    required

My-Header string

As you can see the embedded pointer struct gets documented, as well as the header seperately. Even when hidden is true, and json is "-".

I can define the headers in my schema definition instead so that they could be reused across endpoints.. but I still need to be able to write the headers to the response anyway (which I need a struct for)? and since huma.register takes a context.Context rather than the huma.Context I'm struggling to see any way to write headers and have them documented correctly other than to duplicate the headers everywhere?

Have determined it works as expected IF the struct is embedded directly, instead of a pointer.