
Playgorund to build resources with Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform AWS

The purpose of this repo is to practice creating resource in AWS with Terraform

Starting Point

  • Install pre-commit to use pre-commit hooks in this repo.


  • Document repo design decisions
  • Add Github Actions for CI/CD
  • Add a pre-commits
  • Create a VPC Module
  • Add Testing
  • Terragrunt for DRY?
  • Pre-commits
    • tflint
    • tfdocs
    • terraform-fmt
  • Github Actions
  • Tests
    • Try terratest to build tests for each module.

Desing Decisions

  • I want the project structure to reflect on which specific the environment (dev-stage-prod) the resources are hosted on.
  • I will use small tf-state files to reduce the blast radius of potential problems when deploying changes.
  • I require environment isolation (Prod-Dev-Stage) so using different states for each will be the way to go.
  • I've decided not to use Terrafrom Workspaces as it wasn't easy to figure out to which environment a resource would belong unless you'd run terraform workspace commands.
  • I want to keep the code DRY as much as possible by sharing variables across different environments. One of the ways I will achieve this is by using symlinks from time to time.
  • As this is a repo for testing, I will use the same backend (S3) but with different paths to store the State files.