
gatsby-remark-relative-images fails to process picturestook with DSLR

pol4bear opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi! I'm trying to migrate my blog to gatsby. I migrated my posts to markdown and I uploaded to my gatsby. I installed gatsby-remark-relative-images to process my images relatively and it worked fine with most of images. But, gatsby-remark-relative-images fails to process picture that are took from DSLR. I think gatsby-remark-relative-images has bug that can't process high-quality images because of size of the images. Is there any option that I can make gatsby-remark-relative-images to process high-quality images or is it just a bug?

gatsby-remark-relative-images fails to process left image in picture .

I thout it was problem of size of the images but, I guess is not. I got error message when building gatsby from other images.


Processing ~/Workspace/blog/content/blog/2019/07/19/images/kernel-config-1.png failed

Original error:
Cannot set property 'then' of undefined

  WorkerError: Processing ~/Workspace/blog/content/blog/2019/07/  19/images/kernel-config-1.png failed
  Original error:
  Cannot set property 'then' of undefined
  - jobs-manager.js:314 exports.enqueueJob

not finished Generating image thumbnails - 17.846s

I think the error is not cased by remakr-relative-images. I tried with other gatsby starter ans got no errors. But, it still not visualizing some images.