Add uppercase character(s) with French circonflexe to word characters
Closed this issue · 1 comments
janschreiber commented
When trying to add the phrase "Raison d'Être" to OT (capitalization recommended by Duden), I get this error:
Die Eigenschaft [word] des Typs [class com.vionto.vithesaurus.Term] mit dem Wert [Raison d'Être] entspricht nicht dem vorgegebenen Muster [[ 0-9a-zA-ZöäüÖÄÜßëçèéêáàóòÈÉÁÀÓÒãñíîş{}"?*=()-+/.,'_:<>;%‰°![]²³Œ€&#ūαΑβΒγΓδΔεΕζΖηΗθΘιΙκΚλΛμΜνΝξΞοΟπΠρΡσΣτΤυΥφΦχΧψΨωΩάΆέΈίΊήΉύΎϊϋΰΐœţ]+]
Seems to me that at least the character Ê should be added to the RegEx here.
danielnaber commented
Should work now.