
Support Ruby 3

danielpclark opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm currently implementing GitHub Actions CI testing for the suite of OSes for Ruby 2. Ruby 2 will be maintained on version 0.8 of Rutie. Once CI testing implementation is complete enough I will split off a branch Stable-Ruby-2 and then master branch will become the target for Ruby 3. Once that is stable I plan on making a branch Stable-Ruby-3 that should merely be a mirror of master until I better decide the best policy for the difference between the two branches.


That would be great Daniel!

@danielpclark - any word on Ruby 3 support? We are also encountering seg faults when testing with Ruby 3.


My situation has suddenly provided me with more free time. I anticipate getting to this sooner rather than later.

@danielpclark is there any update on this? Up to date gems require Ruby >= 3 now.