
Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Image Factory

This Repository is a reworked ImageFactory script base upgraded to PowerShell AzureRM version 6.7.

Read the Fantastic Blog Series to see how you can integrate into VSTS for no touch automation builds.


  1. Windows Powershell

  # Result
  Major  Minor  Build  Revision
  -----  -----  -----  --------
  5      1      17134  248
  1. Azure PowerShell Modules
  Get-Module AzureRM -list | Select-Object Name,Version

  # Result
  Name  Version
  ----  -------
  Azure 6.7.0
  1. AzureRM Powershell Modules
  Get-Module AzureRM.* -list | Select-Object Name,Version

  # Filtered Results
  Name                                  Version
  ----                                  -------
  AzureRM.Compute                       5.5.0
  AzureRM.DevTestLabs                   4.0.7
  AzureRM.KeyVault                      5.1.1
  AzureRM.Network                       5.4.1
  AzureRM.Profile                       5.4.0
  AzureRM.Resources                     6.4.0
  AzureRM.Storage                       5.0.2
  1. Install Required PowerShell Modules if needed
Install-Module AzureRM -RequiredVersion 6.7.0
Import-Module AzureRM -RequiredVersion 6.7.0
  1. Setup a Private env.ps1 file to source in private settings from environment variabls for use in the project.

Copy env_sample.ps1 to env.ps1 and modify it as appropriate

# Environment Settings ########################################################################################

$Env:AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION = "<your_subscription_id>"                          # Azure Desired Subscription Id
$Env:AZURE_LOCATION = "<your_region>"                                       # Azure Desired Region
$Env:AZURE_ADMINUSER = "<local_admin_user>"                                 # Virtual Machine Local Admin UserName
$Env:AZURE_ADMINPASSWORD = "<local_admin_password>"                         # Virtual Machine Local Admin Password

  1. Setup a DevTest Lab to use as an Imaging Factory.
# Source into the shell your environment variables
. .\env.ps1 

# Build a DevTest Lab
  1. Setup a DevTest Lab(s) to use as a Personal Lab
# Source into the shell your environment variables
. .\env.ps1 

# Build a Development Lab
.\Make-Lab -ResourceGroupName DevLab

# Build a Test Lab
.\Make-Lab -ResourceGroupName TestLab
  1. Subscribe your lab for deployment by defining your lab and desired images into the Labs.json file.


  "Labs": [{
    "SubscriptionId": "<your_subscription_id>",
    "LabName": "DevLab",
    "ImagePaths": [
    "SubscriptionId": "<your_subscription_id>",
    "LabName": "TestLab",
    "ImagePaths": [
  1. Run the Image Factory