Definition: A service capability that allows api's to be published, managed, secured, and analyzed in minutes.
Use Cases: The most common Uses Cases for the the Service.
- Enterprise API Catalog -- Expose API's for internal/external developers and provide them with a place to discover, learn and consume your API's.
- Customer and Partner Integration -- Expose API's to customer/partners and create a digital ecosystem that benefits the business
- Mobile Enablement and IoT -- Expose API's "securely" to millions of devices and protect them from misuse and abuse.
- API's as a business -- API's may be the sole product sold. Discover, usage stats and monetization.
- Microservice Gateway -- API gateway to decouple a frontend from microservices and do things like HTTPS offloading, request orchestration and API transformation. Portal)
Customer Story:
EarthNetworks - Making weather data available to customers through cloud-based applications and application programming interfaces.
Developer Portal -
Developer Portal
- Read Documentation
- Interact with API's
- Accounts and API Keys
- ANalytics on personal usage
- Receives API calls and routes them.
- Vaidates Keys and Tokens
- Enforce quotas and limits
- Transforms definitions real time
- Caches responses
- Logging
Publisher Portal (Azure Portal)
- Define API's
- Package API's into logical groupings
- Set policies
- Analytics
- Manage Users of API's
OpenSpec API Sample Code PreCompiled CRUD Serverless Function Sample Code
Deploy API Management:
Deploy API Samples:
# Set Variables up
# ----------------
# API in Container
# ----------------
az container create --name "${Prefix}-api" \
--resource-group ${Resource_Group} \
--image "${Registry}/demoapi" \
--dns-name-label "${Prefix}-api" \
--ports 80
# API in Function App
# --------------------
az storage account create --name "${Prefix}storage" \
--resource-group ${Resource_Group} \
--sku Standard_LRS \
--location eastus2
az functionapp create --name "${Prefix}-funcapp" \
--resource-group ${Resource_Group} \
--storage-account "${Prefix}storage" \
--deployment-source-url ${Code} \
--consumption-plan-location eastus2
az functionapp config appsettings set --name "${Prefix}-funcapp" \
--resource-group ${Resource_Group} \
Test API Samples:
# Set Variables up
# ----------------
# Test Ping/Pong
curl ${API}/ping
# Test TODO
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{'tododescription': 'hello-world'}" ${API}/todo
curl ${API}/todo