Azure CLI installed.
Assumes CLI Version = azure-cli (2.0.54) ** Required for RBAC changes
az extension add --name azure-cli-iot-ext
# Using Bash
ResourceGroup="IoTtest" Location="eastus"
Hub="cli-hub" Device="DirectDevice"
# Using Powershell
# Create a hub
az group create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --location $Location
az iot hub create --resource-group $ResourceGroup --location $Location --name $Hub --sku $Tier
# Create a Device
az iot hub device-identity create --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device
Monitor IoT Hub Events in Terminal Window 1
Hub="cli-hub" Device="DirectDevice" # Using Bash
$Hub,$Device="cli-hub","DirectDevice" # Using Powershell
# Monitor Hub for Device Events
az iot hub monitor-events --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device
Send Device to Cloud Messages in Terminal Window 2
Hub="cli-hub" Device="DirectDevice" # Using Bash
$Hub,$Device="cli-hub","DirectDevice" # Using Powershell
# Send a Single Device to Cloud Message
az iot device send-d2c-message --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device \
--data "Hello Hub"
# Send messages from the Device Simulator
az iot device simulate --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device \
--data "Hello Hub"
Monitor for Device Events in Terminal Window 1
Hub="cli-hub" Device="DirectDevice" # Using Bash
$Hub,$Device="cli-hub","DirectDevice" # Using Powershell
# Monitor Device for Cloud Events
az iot device c2d-message receive --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device -ojsonc
Send Cloud to Device Messages in Terminal Window 2
Hub="cli-hub" Device="DirectDevice" # Using Bash
$Hub,$Device="cli-hub","DirectDevice" # Using Powershell
# Send a Single Device to Cloud Message
az iot device c2d-message send --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device \
--data "Hello Device"
Monitor IoT Hub Events in Terminal Window 1
Hub="cli-hub" Device="DirectDevice" # Using Bash
$Hub,$Device="cli-hub","DirectDevice" # Using Powershell
# Monitor Hub for Device Events
az iot hub monitor-events --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device
Simulate Device Sending Events in Terminal Window 2
Hub="cli-hub" Device="DirectDevice" # Using Bash
$Hub,$Device="cli-hub","DirectDevice" # Using Powershell
# Send messages from the Device Simulator
az iot device simulate --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device \
--data "Hello from simulator" \
--msg-count 10 \
--msg-interval 10
Send Cloud to Device Messages in Terminal Window 3
Hub="cli-hub" Device="DirectDevice" # Using Bash
$Hub,$Device="cli-hub","DirectDevice" # Using Powershell
# Send a Single Cloud to Device Message
az iot device c2d-message send --hub-name $Hub --device-id $Device \
--data "Hello Device"