
[Ticket]: Dockerizing the Backend/API

Closed this issue · 3 comments


API (api.potterdb.com)

Describe the ticket you want to create

To simplify the process of contributing to our project, we're embarking on the journey of Dockerizing our backend/API. This means that contributors won't need to install Ruby or deal with complex setup procedures. Instead, they can effortlessly spin up the project environment using Docker containers.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Create docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile to define the backend container.
  • Include all necessary dependencies and configurations within the Docker container (e.g. Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL)
  • Update the README file to explain the new setup with docker.

Additional Details


hi! i would like to work on this issue could you assign it to me

Hey daniel! after starting rails localhost:3000 is redirected to https://docs.potterdb.com/ is that how its supposed to work? @danielschuster-muc

Yes, its supposed to redirect to the docs. You have to use one of the endpoints, e.g. /v1/characters.