A python script to collect data from the mathematics genealogy project and generate genealogy graphs, combine graphs, etc.
- Python 2 (unfortunately)
- graphviz
sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
Due to Geneagrapher 0.2.1, requires Python 2.
python build_genealogy <mathID>
Method graph_genealogy(name, mathid)
from build_genealogy.py
builds a math genealogy graph for a single individual.
Input arguments are the indiviudal's name (as a string), and their Mathematics Genealogy Project id number (available at
the end of the url for their page).
graph_genealogy(162833) #name, mathid
This generates: as well as a pdf version.
Method graph_combined_genealogy(name_mathid_pairs)
from build_genealogy.py
builds a math genealogy graph for a list
of individuals, then generates their combined genealogy graph.
Input argument is a list of indiviudal's name-id number pairs.
graph_combined_genealogy([162833, 43967, 110487])
This generates: as well as a pdf version.
- Clean up some of the dependancies (there may be some redundancy)
- Methods that will graph just the minimum path between groups individuals, by finding their most recent common grand-advisor