MainGUI.kt - type inference fail
Closed this issue · 2 comments
james-s-w-clark commented
"Error:(26, 36) Kotlin: Type inference failed: Not enough information to infer parameter T in fun <T : Any!> load(p0: InputStream!): T!
Please specify it explicitly."
Note: got this error after doing a fresh "import from GitHub" in IntelliJ IDEA
james-s-w-clark commented
I had Java SE 8 ver 152 installed. Uninstalled that, SE 8 ver 144, and IDEA. Reinstalled latest JDK (SE 8u144) and IDEA, and now project builds successfully.
For now, I commented out all of MainGUI.kt (don't understand the issue "Type inference failed").
james-s-w-clark commented
JavaFX GUI launches OK after rewriting in Java.