

iamgroot42 opened this issue · 2 comments

When using the theano backend for running this code, the fine-tuning of the top layer runs perfectly fine. However, as soon as the tweaking of the penultimate layer starts, the following error is thrown:


I've tried running the code thrice on different data-sets (to make sure that it isn't a problem with corrupt,invalid data,etc.)

syhsu commented

I had the same issue yesterday, here is how I fixed it.

Step 1. update theano --> 0.9.0 (After updating, I got an error msg regarding cudnn.)
Step 2. Install cudnn

So I suggest you install cudnn first. If you still have the same error msg, you could try update theano and keras.

@syhsu Version 0.9 ?!
Also, cudnn is already installed.

P.S : Both keras and theano are up to date.