
Where to obtain and how to use the binary files for javaparser and javamethodextractor

zhaoyuehrb opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear Authors,

Thank you so much for open source the great work. I am very new to this, may I ask how to get the java-parser-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and JavaMethodExtractor-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar? They are listed as required files under CODE_TRANSFORMER_BINARY_PATH, in parallel with semantic.

The java_to_ast method requires the file. Without it, the notebook interactive_prediction cannot run too.

I tried to download and use https://jar-download.com/artifacts/com.google.code.javaparser/javaparser/1.0.8/source-code but couldn't make it work. I got error of 'no main manifest attribute, in ./javaparser-1.0.8.jar\n'.

Help will be greatly appreciated!

Hi Zhao,

thank you for checking out the Code Transformer!

The JavaParser can be found in the /sub_modules/java-parser directory. There, you can also find a prebuilt
that should get you going.
For the interactive_prediction notebook you don't need the JavaMethodExtractor. But in case you are curious, you can find it in the /sub_modules/java-method-extractor directory.

We will add this to the documentation, it is not obvious from the README.
Thanks for pointing it out.

Thank you so much! I found the jars and they work fine!