IOException: Can not read sentence from connection
P00HB33R opened this issue · 1 comments
When trying to use tik4net in net6 api solution I am get this error. Have tried all combos and all throw same error.
IOException: Can not read sentence from connection
tik4net.Api.ApiConnection.GetOne(string tag)
tik4net.Api.ApiConnection.GetAll(string tag)+MoveNext()
System.Collections.Generic.List..ctor(IEnumerable collection)
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(IEnumerable source)
tik4net.Api.ApiConnection.CallCommandSync(string[] commandRows)
tik4net.Api.ApiCommand.ExecuteScalarInternal(string target, bool allowReturnDefault, string defaultValue)
tik4net.Api.ApiConnection.Login_v3(string user, string password)
tik4net.Api.ApiConnection.Open(string host, int port, string user, string password)
tik4net.Api.ApiConnection.Open(string host, string user, string password)
DCAPIServer.Controllers.TestController.GetQBytes() in TestController.cs
connection.Open(host, user, pass);
It works (see tik4net.coreconsole) ... So the problem should be somewhere else (did you allow API on mikrotik router?) SSL or without SSL?