
Seems like tail HTML tags aren't properly highlighted in JSX files?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Love this colorscheme. After turning it on, though, this is what I see while editing some jsx:


Notice that the closing HTML tags are all colored like text content. By comparison, with Afterglow off, this is what I see:


I'm not sure why this is happening, but since the only thing I changed between those two screenshots was commenting out colorscheme afterglow in my vimrc, I think it's the theme.

@ssonicblue I know it's been a while and perhaps the plugin owner fixed this because I see no cause for it in the current color definitions.. but I saw an issue almost just like this appear recently after installing another plugin/colorscheme.. oceanic-next - which adds a custom syntax group called xmlTagN that matches a sequence like </...> .. and then colorizes the text inside the brackets white. my guess is that you have another color scheme or syntax highlighting plugin that causes the issue. best luck

you can check the syntax groups highlights applied to any word by moving your cursor to any letter on the word, then inputing the following command:
:echo join(map(synstack(line('.'),col('.')), 'synIDattr(synIDtrans(v:val), "name")'), ', ')
this will output all the syntax groups that apply to the current word..
then type next command:
:hi GroupName where "GroupName" was the last one in the list from previous command if more than one printed

It's been a while since this issue was posted. Well, I have been busy... 😅
And I could not reproduce this problem: it works just fine with JSX for me.
However, I should warn about possible unwanted interactions with other plugins.
"vim-javascript" changes the colors of JS files a lot, for example.
There's "vim-es6", there is "rainbow" for colorizing matching brackets/parenthesis and so on.
But sadly I cannot reproduce this bug without further details, so I'm closing the issue for now.
Please re-open if this is still a problem (even if it was a long time ago) and if the cause lies on the color scheme itself, or at least if you can provide further details.