
Recheck-s3 Option is not fetching New file/directory

Opened this issue · 10 comments

In our environment, content pushes are done directly to S3 Buckets. The buckets are mounted in a readonly mode using yas3fs on ec2 instances. We have enabled local caching for the yas3fs mountpoints.

As we require the content pushes to reflect on our moutpoints on the instance, we have configured the recheck-s3 and cache-check (30 secs) options. With these configurations, the mounpoints are not reflecting the changes happening on S3 bucket. Please suggest us an appropriate configuration or workaround for this requirement.

ewah commented

cache-check (interval) is only used in the case of check_cache_size() to determine whether items need to be purged from the cache to free up disk space or memory. so this probably has nothing to do w/ it.

presumable you this is the equivalent of having 2 nodes (A write/ B read) setup w/o SNS/SQS communcation.

B> rm file.txt
returns success or ENOENT (depending if there was a file there or not)
B> cat file.txt 
returns ENOENT
A> echo "hello world" > file.txt
A> cat file.txt
returns "hello world\n"
B> cat file.txt

I am getting consistently "hello world\n" back.

(i was checking off ewah/yas3fs's master, trying danilop/yas3fs master)

ewah commented

i've also tried

B> rm file.txt
B> cat file.txt

.> s3cmd put /tmp/junk s3://bucket/dir/file.txt

B> cat file.txt

and appears to come back w/ the contents of /tmp/junk

When files are created/modified on any of the instances, it is successfully reflected on all instances and S3 location.
Actually we are trying to do following scenario:

  1. Upload a new file s3test1.html through AWS Console to S3 Bucket directory
  2. mountdir#> cat s3test1.html
  3. Actually there is no response on log file or SQS queue configured
ewah commented

essentially s3cmd will do the same function as dropping something w/ the aws console.

the log in on the info level will not track what files have been added/removed from the cache (perhaps we should advance that). in debug mode it will but there is quite a bit of information there.

can i get a look at your start up line?

c:/home/ewah> dir z
total 4
drwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah   4096 Jun 14 03:49 ./
drwx--x--x. 47 ewah ewah   4096 Nov 13 22:43 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 ewah ewah   6785 Jun  6 16:19 .cshrc
drwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah   4096 Dec 31  1969 8xxxxx_ps42/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah 124679 Jun 14 03:49 a::a.py*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah 124679 Jun 14 03:54 a>a.py*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah 124679 Jun 14 03:48 aa a.py*
drwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah   4096 May 27 01:33 aaa/
drwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah   4096 May 27 02:00 bbb/
drwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah   4096 Oct  8 19:25 cc c/
-rw-r--r--   1 ewah ewah   2151 Oct  8 19:24 d d.sql
-rw-r--r--   1 ewah ewah   2151 Jul 24 17:00 d.sql
-rw-------   1 ewah ewah    329 Sep 10 20:52 dead.letter
-rwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah   2139 May 27 01:16 delta.sql*
-rwxrwxrwx   1 ewah ewah     12 Sep 10 16:17 fix found.txt*
drwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah   4096 Jun  6 17:07 travel/
drwxr-xr-x   1 ewah ewah   4096 Oct  8 14:26 zz/
c:/home/ewah> cd git/s3cmd
c:/home/ewah/git/s3cmd> s3cmd put ~/b.py s3://s3.140507/public/test/
WARNING: Module python-magic is not available. Guessing MIME types based on file extensions.
/home/ewah/b.py -> s3://s3.140507/public/test/b.py  [1 of 1]
 1528 of 1528   100% in    0s     5.08 kB/s  done
c:/home/ewah/git/s3cmd> ls ~/z
8xxxxx_ps42  a>a.py   aaa  cc c     d.sql        delta.sql      travel
a::a.py      aa a.py  bbb  d d.sql  dead.letter  fix found.txt  zz
c:/home/ewah/git/s3cmd> ls ~/z/b.py
c:/home/ewah/git/s3cmd> ls ~/z/
8xxxxx_ps42  a>a.py   aaa   bbb   d d.sql  dead.letter  fix found.txt  zz
a::a.py      aa a.py  b.py  cc c  d.sql    delta.sql    travel
c:/home/ewah/git/s3cmd> cat ~/z/b.py

Startup Line:
/usr/bin/yas3fs -d s3://test-bucket1/test /local/test --cache-path /local/tmp/yas3fs --topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:acctid:topic-name --new-queue --read-only --recheck-s3

IAM Role Policy:
S3 Bucket Policy: Allow "s3:Get_","s3:List_" for s3://test-bucket1/test

please note that we are running version: yas3fs 2.2.16

ewah commented

does the file show up on subsequent restarts of yas3fs?

yes, it is available on subsequent restarts.

ewah commented

I just merged a pull request in (slated to be 2.3.0). I didn't do anything directly w/ your issue, but would you run your tests again with that to confirm whether the bug still exists or not.

I am running v2.3.2. I am experiencing the issue. I am not running read-only. But I tested this by removing a file from s3 in the console. It doesn't get removed with out a remount on the server.