
Getting multiple triggers with one button push even with delay set at 60

bluepixel00 opened this issue · 9 comments

At one point I had everything working but a month ago or so I noticed that any dash button push will trigger multiple events even if I have the delay set to 60. I am using the latest dash Hassio plugin and HA as of May 21, 2019.

Here is my log output from the dashio plugin:
2019-05-21 19:15:30,508 | INFO | Reading config file: /data/options.json
2019-05-21 19:15:30,509 | INFO | Starting...
2019-05-21 19:15:30,509 | INFO | Starting sniffing...
2019-05-21 19:15:44,460 | INFO | Random Request button pressed!
2019-05-21 19:15:44,915 | INFO | Request: http://hassio/homeassistant/api/services/script/random_tts - body: {}
2019-05-21 19:15:44,915 | INFO | Status Code: 200
2019-05-21 19:15:44,915 | INFO | Successful request
2019-05-21 19:15:44,939 | INFO | Finishing sniffing
2019-05-21 19:15:44,940 | INFO | Starting sniffing...
2019-05-21 19:15:45,562 | INFO | Random Request button pressed!
2019-05-21 19:15:45,581 | INFO | Request: http://hassio/homeassistant/api/services/script/random_tts - body: {}
2019-05-21 19:15:45,582 | INFO | Status Code: 200
2019-05-21 19:15:45,582 | INFO | Successful request
2019-05-21 19:15:45,595 | INFO | Finishing sniffing
2019-05-21 19:15:45,595 | INFO | Starting sniffing...
2019-05-21 19:15:47,083 | INFO | Random Request button pressed!
2019-05-21 19:15:47,104 | INFO | Request: http://hassio/homeassistant/api/services/script/random_tts - body: {}
2019-05-21 19:15:47,104 | INFO | Status Code: 200
2019-05-21 19:15:47,104 | INFO | Successful request
2019-05-21 19:15:47,119 | INFO | Finishing sniffing
2019-05-21 19:15:47,119 | INFO | Starting sniffing...
2019-05-21 19:15:49,082 | INFO | Random Request button pressed!
2019-05-21 19:15:49,497 | INFO | Request: http://hassio/homeassistant/api/services/script/random_tts - body: {}
2019-05-21 19:15:49,497 | INFO | Status Code: 200
2019-05-21 19:15:49,497 | INFO | Successful request
2019-05-21 19:15:49,515 | INFO | Finishing sniffing
2019-05-21 19:15:49,515 | INFO | Starting sniffing...
2019-05-21 19:15:50,531 | INFO | Random Request button pressed!
2019-05-21 19:15:50,551 | INFO | Request: http://hassio/homeassistant/api/services/script/random_tts - body: {}
2019-05-21 19:15:50,551 | INFO | Status Code: 200
2019-05-21 19:15:50,551 | INFO | Successful request
2019-05-21 19:15:50,571 | INFO | Finishing sniffing
2019-05-21 19:15:50,571 | INFO | Starting sniffing...
2019-05-21 19:15:51,547 | INFO | Random Request button pressed!
2019-05-21 19:15:51,568 | INFO | Request: http://hassio/homeassistant/api/services/script/random_tts - body: {}
2019-05-21 19:15:51,568 | INFO | Status Code: 200
2019-05-21 19:15:51,568 | INFO | Successful request
2019-05-21 19:15:51,595 | INFO | Finishing sniffing
2019-05-21 19:15:51,595 | INFO | Starting sniffing...
2019-05-21 19:15:52,740 | INFO | Random Request button pressed!
2019-05-21 19:15:52,762 | INFO | Request: http://hassio/homeassistant/api/services/script/random_tts - body: {}
2019-05-21 19:15:52,762 | INFO | Status Code: 200
2019-05-21 19:15:52,762 | INFO | Successful request
2019-05-21 19:15:52,783 | INFO | Finishing sniffing
2019-05-21 19:15:52,783 | INFO | Starting sniffing...
2019-05-21 19:15:54,621 | INFO | Random Request button pressed!
2019-05-21 19:15:54,943 | INFO | Request: http://hassio/homeassistant/api/services/script/random_tts - body: {}
2019-05-21 19:15:54,943 | INFO | Status Code: 200
2019-05-21 19:15:54,943 | INFO | Successful request
2019-05-21 19:15:54,967 | INFO | Finishing sniffing
2019-05-21 19:15:54,967 | INFO | Starting sniffing...

This is occurring with 0.3.6 dashio and home assistant 0.93.2 but was working in a previous version of both dashio and home assistant. The only way I was able to remove the impact of this issue was by modifying my script to only run when it is not already running. This seems to have solved the repeated triggers from dashio. Is nobody else seeing this issue?

Yup - theres a few of us that reported it in issue #86 (admitedly the title isnt as explicit as yours :)
Mind sharing the script? My buttons were set up originally to toggle a light. However I have had to modify mine to just switch the light off rather than toggle (however means I have turn the light on manually :)

What would the script look like?

Since I am using this button as a weather report I added a condition to see if the speaker is still playing and then added a delay at the end since each button press last for 20 seconds.

alias: Weather Report

  • condition: template
    value_template: "{{not is_state('media_player.basement_speaker','playing') }}"
  • service: media_player.volume_set
    entity_id: media_player.basement_speaker
    volume_level: '.30'
  • service: tts.google_say
    entity_id: media_player.basement_speaker
    message: 'It is {{ now().strftime( "%-I" )}} {{ "%0.02d" | format(now().strftime("%-M") | int) }} {{ now().strftime( "%p" )}}.
    The weather is currently {{states.sensor.dark_sky_summary.state}} and feels like {{states.sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature.state|round}} degrees.'
    cache: false
  • delay: '00:0:15'`

In your case you could just prevent the script from running again with a similar condition and adding the delay.

Thank you! I have taken the weather idea and implemented that. Will work on changing my switches to follow the same process over next few days. Much appreciated!

Glad it works. I know it is a hack but at least it gets things running again. Prior to this change my weather report would keep restarting for the first 20 seconds and then finish so didn't make it very helpful. :)

For others wishing to implement this "hack" you would add something like the following to your script / automation. A script has an "off" or "on" state. "on" when it is actively running

condition: template
value_template: "{{not is_state('script.your_script_name','on') }}"

Along with a delay at the end after the service is executed.
delay: '00:0:15'

I think that since #82 the timeout config is no longer being used

For others wishing to implement this "hack" you would add something like the following to your script / automation. A script has an "off" or "on" state. "on" when it is actively running

condition: template
value_template: "{{not is_state('script.your_script_name','on') }}"

Along with a delay at the end after the service is executed.
delay: '00:0:15'

Sorry fpr the noobish question, but could you give me an Example of a Script I could use for toggling a light?