
a question about experimental results of paper

xianbeikuku opened this issue · 3 comments

Dear Dr.Barath:
I am a first year master's student in the Wuhan(China) University and my research topic is photogrammtry and computer vision.
I read your paper "Graph-Cut RANSAC: Local Optimization on Spatially Coherent Structures",and run the codes in github.As I find a question about experimental results of paper,I would like to request help from you.
This question is about a pair in the paper, named Fig.4 (a) ExtremeView dataset.In the paper we get a good result. But I can not get a result similar to it(the result in paper), when I test by the codes in github.I show the my reslut in appendix. Is the reason about feature descritor? Because I found that only 19 correspondences were detected in begin.Could you give me some information about this pair?
I would be very grateful indeed for any help you could give me.
best wishes.
Weile Ma
resulf of paper

my reslut

Have you used provided tentative correspondences from here?


Yeah, those are, in EVD, quite challenging image pairs also for the feature matcher algorithm.
In the paper, I used the correspondences provided in the dataset. I am not sure what you are using for feature detection, probably, SIFT or ORB, but they definitely are not good enough for this problem.

You can find everything at http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/wbs/ as Dmytro suggested.

Have you used provided tentative correspondences from here?

http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/wbs/ IMG_20211128_093052
