
**Dark/Light Mode Toggle** A web page with a Dark/Light mode toggle feature using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Easily switch between dark and light themes.

Primary LanguageCSS

Project Name: Dark/Light Mode Toggle


This project implements a simple web page with a Dark/Light mode toggle feature. Users can switch between Dark and Light modes to change the appearance of the page.


  • Dark Mode: In Dark Mode, the navigation bar and text box have a semi-transparent black background, and the icons and images are updated to suit the dark theme.
  • Light Mode: In Light Mode, the navigation bar and text box have a semi-transparent white background, and the icons and images are updated to suit the light theme.
  • Toggle Switch: The Dark/Light mode switch is implemented using a checkbox. When the checkbox is checked, Dark Mode is activated, and when it's unchecked, Light Mode is activated.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: Markup for the web page structure.
  • CSS: Styling the page elements and implementing Dark/Light mode styles.
  • JavaScript: Implementing the functionality for the Dark/Light mode toggle.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using: git clone <repository-url>
  2. Open the index.html file in your web browser.
  3. Use the toggle switch to switch between Dark and Light modes.

Folder Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file for the web page.
  • css/style.css: Contains the CSS styles for the page elements.
  • js/main.js: Contains the JavaScript code for the Dark/Light mode functionality.
  • img/: Contains images used for Dark and Light modes.


Danish Khan


The inspiration for this project came from [20 projects for javascripts by zero to mastery].