
Crowd sourced study resource sharing website for students.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Calibr is a Project idea to create a free, open-source community for students to actively share resources. Upon completion, Project Calibr will be available on http://calibracademy.com


  1. Clone Repo and move into folder:
git clone https://github.com/drtweety/Calibr.git && cd Calibr
  1. If you're running Calibr for production, run the command:
  git checkout v0.1
  1. Create Database in MySQL and add a user with all privileges to said database.
  2. Run SQL script in db.sql
  3. Assign values to DB, hostname, user and password in app/DB.sql
  4. Enter Mailgun private API key in app/Mail.php
  5. Install Ruby, and then SASS:
sudo apt-get install ruby
sudo gem -i sass
  1. Compile SASS from sass/styles to css/
sass --update sass/styles/:css/

Vendor Repos

Calibr uses these libraries and vendor snippets to simplify the development process:

  1. bootstrap
  2. jQuery
  3. TinyMCE
  4. fontawesome.io
  5. Mailgun