Ansible playbook for automating a setup of a new MacBook Pro for a rich development experience

This will setup a new laptop for software development.


  1. XCode is installed. Can do so by running xcode-select --install
  2. Ansible is installed. Can do so by running pip install ansible==2.8.4

How to use:

1. Install XCode and Ansible:
 $ xcode-select --install
 $ sudo easy_install pip
 $ sudo pip install ansible==2.8.4
2. Run the ansible playbook:
 $ git clone
 $ cd setup-macbook-playbook
 $ ansible-playbook setup.yml -i hosts -l local

What this includes:


  • Python3
  • Java
  • GO
  • Scala
  • Nim


  • Postgres
  • MySQL
  • Redis

Virtual Environment managers

  • pyenv
  • pipenv
  • jenv
  • plenv

Javascript tooling

  • Node
  • Yarn
  • Create React App

Code formatters

  • Autopep8
  • Prettier

Productivity apps

  • Atom
  • VSCodium
  • Slack
  • Skype
  • GitHub Desktop
  • PostMan
  • Google Drive
  • Google Chrome
  • Brave browser
  • Spotify
  • Lastpass

Atom plugins

  • teletype
  • git-plus
  • ask-stack
  • linters for python and JS
  • prettier
  • python-autopep8
  • language support for WDL, JSX, Python