Cannot start/stop station trough service keba.enable / disable
mzsergiu opened this issue · 1 comments
mzsergiu commented
I created a button on dashboard. Configured Tap Action -> "Call Service" -> Service: Keba Charging Station : Enable (keba.enable), then Wallbox - ticked the box and selected Device is KEBA P30.
I get message:
Failed to call service keba/enable. Enable parameter must be True or False.
If I un-tick the Wallbox. I dont get the error, but nothing happens.
With original Keba component from core, it worked also if I send trough UDP ena 1/0 station responds correctly. My Keba P30 does not support authentification, it`s the KEBA KeContact P30 Germany edition DE 440 AC wallbox
dannerph commented
Thanks for reporting! The issue is fixed in the latest release.