
Ansible Playbook for usegalaxy.org

Primary LanguageJavaScriptAcademic Free License v3.0AFL-3.0

usegalaxy.org Playbook

This Ansible playbook is used to deploy and maintain the public Galaxy servers, namely Galaxy Main (usegalaxy.org) and Galaxy Test (test.galaxyproject.org). The generalized roles herein have been published to Ansible Galaxy and can be installed for your own use via the ansible-galaxy command, but a few site-specific roles are contained here as well.

This playbook is not designed to be used by Galaxy deployers/admins at other sites, but should be useful as a reference for anyone wishing to emulate a setup like usegalaxy.org.

Best Practices

We differ slightly from Ansible best practices:

  • Because we're trying to ensure that roles are generally consumable and can easily be updated from Ansible Galaxy whenever new versions are published, our files and templates do not live inside the roles.


Galaxy Test is updated with:

% ansible-playbook -i stage/inventory galaxy.yml --ask-vault-pass

After which Galaxy Test can be restarted (as g2test) with:

% ~/bin/galaxy graceful

The static content alone (e.g. welcome.html and its dependencies) can be updated without requiring a vault pass:

% ansible-playbook -i stage/inventory galaxy_static.yml

Galaxy Main is updated with the same commands as above, replacing stage with production.

It's advisable to use a password manager for the vault password. Anything secure will do, although I find pass(1) to be incredibly useful in combination with Ansible Vaults.

If you need to install Ansible and don't want to use the system packages for your OS (or want the latest version), see bootstrap-ansible.bash in the root directory.

Installing tools

Tools are installed using the roles/galaxyprojectdotorg.tools role. Each Galaxy instance has the toolset to be installed listed under files/galaxy/test.galaxyproject.org|usegalaxy.org/tool_list.yaml so edit that file to include new tools or versions. An admin user API key is required to install the tools, and it is stored in the Vault under api_key variable. Run the role with (replace stage with production for Main):

% ansible-playbook tools.yml --ask-vault-pass -i stage/inventory

Note that by default this roll will create a virtualenv in your /tmp dir. The installation log is available in /tmp/galaxy_tool_install.log.

Build Notes

Building Pulsar's dependencies' dependencies as an unprivileged user on some HPC systems was a difficult manual process, so I made some notes, which may be helpful:

Installed cURL by hand on Blacklight:

cd curl-7.37.0
./configure --prefix=/brashear/ndc/test/curl --with-ssl=/brashear/ndc/openssl && make && make install

libffi compiled and installed by hand on Stampede and Blacklight:

cd /work/galaxy/test/libffi/src/libffi-3.0.13
./configure --prefix=/work/galaxy/test/libffi --libdir='${prefix}/lib64' && make && make install
sed -i -e 's/^Libs:.*/Libs: -L${libdir} -Wl,-rpath,${libdir} -lffi/' ../../lib64/pkgconfig/libffi.pc

OpenSSL compiled and installed by hand on Blacklight (Reference: https://cryptography.io/en/latest/installation/#building-cryptography-on-linux):

cd /brashear/ndc/test/openssl/src/openssl-1.0.1h
cat <<EOF >opnessl.ld
./config --prefix=/brashear/ndc/test/openssl -Wl,--version-script=openssl.ld -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -fPIC shared && make && make install

slurm-drmaa compiled and installed by hand on Stampede (slurm-devel is not installed (or worse, some login nodes have mismatched versions), so I had to work around this):

cd slurm
mkdir -p include/slurm
cd src/slurm-2.6.3
./configure --prefix=/usr
cp slurm/*.h ../../include/slurm
cd slurm-drmaa-1.0.7
./configure --prefix=/work/galaxy/test/slurm-drmaa --with-slurm-inc=/work/galaxy/test/slurm/include && make && make install

pbs-drmaa compiled and installed by hand on Blacklight:

cd pbs-drmaa-1.0.17
./configure --prefix=/brashear/ndc/test/pbs-drmaa && make && make install

Python + virtualenv compiled and installed by hand on Blacklight and Stampede:

cd /work/galaxy/test/python/src/Python-2.7.6
./configure --prefix=/work/galaxy/test/python --enable-unicode=ucs4 && make && make install
cd ../virtualenv-1.11.5
/work/galaxy/test/python/bin/python setup.py install

Certs on blacklight are all messed up, so for that, I had to manually assemble a CA cert chain for pypi.python.org and create ~/.pip/pip.conf to use it.


This playbook is updated from the roles published at Ansible Galaxy. To pull published changes and update the galaxy playbook contained here, execute the following command in the root of this repository, and then commit changes:

ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles galaxyprojectdotorg.galaxy

Dependency Notes

Currently there's no good way to install dependencies for Pulsar. What I've done so far is:

  1. rsync the tool_dependency_dir from the Galaxy server to the Pulsar server.

  2. Use find and sed to alter paths in env.sh

  3. Recreate virtualenvs in deps using {{ instance_root }}/python/bin/virtualenv venv, but this requires removing include/python2.7, lib/python2.7, and copying site-packages from the old venv to the new venv. Obviously not a sustainable model.


Academic Free License ("AFL") v. 3.0


Enis Afgan
John Chilton
Nate Coraor


Lance Parsons
Peter van Heusden