
Skeleton project to get started with laravel-octane and vue in a docker-compose env using gitpod or codespaces.

Primary LanguageHTML


Simple skeleton project in order to quickly start a new project with the following technologies with docker-compose and gitpod:

  • laravel with octane (swoole)
  • vue (with typescript)
  • postgres



  • Ready to use docker-compose.yml


  • CDE using Gitpod


Each technology is containerized for easy development

* Backend: laravel-octane with swoole
* Worker: laravel queue
* Frontend: vue client
* Database: postgres

Auto refresh

While the containers are running, the backend and frontend will auto refresh when making changes to the application code. No need to rebuild the containers.

Getting Started

Using docker-compose locally

Build the containers
make build
Start developing
make dev
While the containers are running, migrate the database
make migrate

Using gitpod


Simply start the workspace with this project, eveyrthing is configured in .gitpod.yml

Deploy options

The options below are free, great for getting things started, and very easy to scale up with their paid plans.





Deploying to render

while using render.yaml https://render.com/docs/blueprint-spec

# A web service
  - type: web
    name: api
    env: docker
    dockerfilePath: ./deploy/php.api.dockerfile # optional
    dockerContext: ./api # optional
# A background worker that consumes a queue
  - type: worker
    name: queue
    env: docker
    dockerfilePath: ./deploy/php.queue.dockerfile # optional
    dockerContext: ./api # optional
# A static site for the vue app
  - type: web
    name: docker-octane-vue-client
    env: static
    branch: master
    buildCommand: cd client && yarn && yarn build
    staticPublishPath: ./client/dist
      - type: rewrite
        source: /*
        destination: /index.html

PhpUnit on VsCode

Update settings.json

update the key in better-phpunit.docker.paths to the local path of this project on your machine.

"better-phpunit.docker.paths": {
     "<project_path_on_your_computer>/api": "/usr/src/api"

Debugging with xdebug

  • inside xbude.ini, VS code in codespaces, we need to change xdebug.client_host
  • run hostname -I | cut -d ' ' -f1 in order to get the ip address of the codespace within the codespace main terminal.
  • set it like: xdebug.client_host=
  • you only set it xdebug.client_host=host.docker.internal when you are running VS code in the app, locally.

Github codespaces useful links (if you want to use codespaces instead)