
Fixed width for timer?

simplygood opened this issue · 1 comments

Mine is v1.15 from OS X Homebrew bottle.

The width of the timer on the bottom right changes depending on the numbers used for the time. The timer uses a variable width font, and for example, 0 is wider than 1, making the bottom previews keep trembling horizontally as time goes.

Same issue here, with v1.15 on macOS 10.13.2.

In addition to the visual nuisance caused by the previews "trembling" almost every second, this might also use unnecessary CPU/GPU cycles.

The reason for this behaviour seems to be that the digits 0..9 in macOS's system font San Francisco aren't of equal width. I suggest to display the timers using Helvetica, which was the system font until OS X 10.10 and whose digits have equal width.