
Feature: Conditions or enable/disable option

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Wow, this looks like a really cool addon! I can think of many uses in my setup. However, while the time constraints seem very usefull, it feels a bit cumbersome to enter them for all EC instances. So either being able to only run when a more generic condition is met, or a way to enable/disable the EC via a service would be awesome. So I can e.g. enable/disable it when my Hass setup is in Home/Away or in Day/Night mode.

you should create template binary sensors and achieve this by tweaking your configuration..
for example.. this one will calculate if (sun is up and illuminance >30) or light is already on
it is used for another purpose by me but you should get an idea.. templates can be easily tested in HA developer tools
you can then also use dummy switches (input_booleans) defined in your config just to trigger only one part of condition..

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Hallway Light Blocker"
      value_template: >-
        {{ (states.sun.sun.attributes.elevation|float > 5 and state_attr('sensor.hallway_light_motion_sensor_1_illuminance_lux', 'illuminance')|int > 30) or is_state('light.hallway_light', 'on') }}