
Create directory specified by installdir

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am installing Bitbucket with the following manifest:

class { 'bitbucket':
    installdir => '/opt/atlassian/bitbucket',

When this runs on my node, I Puppet fails because /opt/atlassian doesn't exist:

Notice: /Stage[main]/Bitbucket::Install/File[/home/bitbucket]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Archive/Package[faraday_middleware]/ensure: created
Error: Cannot create /opt/atlassian/bitbucket; parent directory /opt/atlassian does not exist
Error: /Stage[main]/Bitbucket::Install/File[/opt/atlassian/bitbucket]/ensure: change from absent to directory failed: Cannot create /opt/atlassian/bitbucket; parent directory /opt/atlassian does not exist

Could this module create /opt/atlassian/bitbucket, and parent directories, by itself?

UPDATE: actually I am not having this issue anymore. :|